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Prisoners Adalat :

The establishment of Prisoners' Adalat in the Prisons of this State is the first of its kind in the country.

The main aim of this type of Court which is functioning within the prison premises is to render quick justice to the prisoners through speedy disposal of their cases and also to provide easy access to the Presiding Officers of the Court to get their case solved without much difficulties.

The Prisoners' Adalat is functioning in all the Central Prisons and Special Prison for Women, Vellore & Trichy.
Puzhal, Madurai, Thiruchirapalli, Vellore, Cuddalore, Salem and Special Prison for Women, Vellore and Trichy

Legal Aid :

Legal Aid Cell established by the Tamil Nadu State Legal Services Authority is functioning in each Prison to provide legal assistance to the needy prisoners. Prisoners are liberty to nominate lawyers of their choice to defend their cases.

Prisoners' Welfare :

Creche (Special Prison for Women, Vellore)

Welfare officers looks after the welfare of the prisoners. Psychologist and Social case work expert are there to help the prisoners. Women prisoners can keep their children upto the age of 6. Creche is also running in the two Women Prisons. Cultural committee looks after the entertainment programme of the prisoners. Prisoners' Canteen is functioning in each Central Prison. Yoga and Meditation classes are conducted regularly by various non-governmental organizations. Film of moral and educative value are shown. Radio and TV Sets have been provided in blocks for the entertainment of prisoners. Music and games are also provided for the recreation of the Prisoners.

Telephone Facility to Prisoners

In the Interest of Welfare of prisoenrs and to dicourage them from clandestine use of mobile phones inside the prison, the Government have introduced telephone facility to prisoenrs within the country subject to certain security considerations. Accordingly, 54 numbersof telephone booths in all Central Prisons and Special Prison for Women and Borstal School, Pudukottai were installed. The schme was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 09.12.2013 and came in to operation on that day itself successfully.

Health Care :

Medical Care to Prisoners :

Medical Check-up (Coimbatore)

Every Central Prison is having a 50 bedded hospital fully equipped with all kinds of medicines, and apparatus like X-Ray, ECG machines, Automatic blood Analyser, etc. to provide effective medical care to the prisoners at all times and only during emergency, they are referred to the outside hospital for specialised treatment. The Prison hospital is manned by two Civil Assistant Surgeons with the supporting para-medical staff. Various specialists from the Government Hospital also visit the Prison frequently. The Health Camp under "Varumun Kappom Thittam" is conducted in Prisons to screen the prisoners and give the required medical treatment to the prisoners afflicted by various diseases.

Special Treatment :

Prisoners who are affected by leprosy are segregated and specially treated at Prison Hospital in Central Prison, & Special Prison for Women concerned. Special treatment is also given to them at Government Medical College and Government Head Quarters Hospitals concerned. T.B patients are given special treatment by Chest Institute Sanatorium at Tambaram / Tambaram Sanatorium, Tambaram, Chennai. The Prisoners who require specialised treatment for their ailments are given such treatment at Government Hospital by specialists.

Sanitation and Water Supply :

Health Camp (Chennai)

Pure drinking water is provided to the prisoners which is frequently tested by the King Institute, Guindy. Any defects pointed out are rectified then and there.

In all Central Prisons, a good standard of sanitation is maintained by the Prison department officials. Adequate flush-out latrines and bathrooms are provided with sufficient water. Sweepers are also made available for keeping the Prison premises neat and tidy. The District Health Officer, the Corporation Health Officer or the Municipal Health Officer also inspect the system at least once in a month.

DOTS Centre :

To eradicate T.B among the prisoners, DOTS centre has been established at Central Prison, Vellore, Salem, Cuddalore, Puzhal, Trichy, Special Prison for Women, Vellore and Trichy.

Prisoner's Interview (Visiting Prisoners) :

How to apply ?

Personal Counselling (Vellore)

One who desires to see a prisoner may apply to the Superintendent of the Prison concerned between 8.00 A.M and 1 P.M daily in a printed application which is available at the Prison gate at free of cost. The filled in application is to be dropped in the drop box kept for the purpose.

A person nominated by the Non Governmental Organization helps the illiterate visitors to fill in the Interview Application Form at free of cost.

When the meeting is permissible?

Interviews are generally conducted in all working days except Government holidays between 8 AM to 4 PM. below. The duration of interview is 30 minutes.

Type of Prisoners  Date of  Visit
Remand & Under trials Monday,Wednesday & Friday
Convict & Detenus  Tuesday & Thursday

Who can visit and periodicity ?

Relatives and friends are permitted to have interviews with prisoners to talk domestic matters only. 3 persons are permitted at a time in an interview. Three interviews in a week in respect of Remand and Undertrial prisoners, 2 interviews in a week for detenus and one interview at a fortnight for Convicted prisoners and detenus.

Articles permitted during visit :

Personal Counselling (Vellore)

A reasonable quantity of fruits, biscuits, Toilet Soaps is allowed for all categories of prisoners. Except 'B' Class convicts, all others are eligible to receive civil dress also.

Procedure to be followed :

Every visitors will be subject to search by the prison staff. Limited and permissible items such as fruits, biscuits, bread and toilet items alone will be allowed. Women visitors will be searched by women staff.

Legal Counsel visit :

The legal counsels can have a reasonable number of visits with the prisoners which is to be conducted in the presence of Prison officials but out of hearing distance during the working hours of the Prison on all days except Government Holidays by making an application to the Superintendent.

Grievances :

The Public approaching the Prison for visit, Emergency leave, Ordinary leave, Premature release etc., finding any difficulty may contact the Superintendent / Range Deputy Inspector General of Prisons for assistance. Their address and Phone numbers are displayed in the display board placed in front of the Prison. The Public may also make complaints regarding the services of Prison staff to the superior officers. In addition to that they may also contact the Additional Director General of Prisons and Deputy Inspector General of Prisons (Headquarters) whose contact address is furnished separately in this site.

Clothing and Bedding :

All convict prisoners are provided with prison clothing and all other prisoners are permitted to use their own clothing.

Clothes Storage (Coimbatore)

Possession of Property :

Canteen, Vellore

The wages earned by the Prisoners in the prison and the money received by them are kept in the "Prisoners Cash Property Account" as they cannot keep the money with themselves. They can send the money from their account to their blood relatives during emergencies. They can also purchase the required cosmetic and novelties out of their cash property account from the prisoners canteen. The balance amount standing at their credit will be returned to them at the time of their release.

Other Amenities :


Kitchen (Vellore)

Good food prepared under hygienic conditions is supplied to the prisoners are per the scale prescribed in Tamil Nadu Prisons Rules. Items like milk, bread, egg etc., are given to the prisoners as medical diet to the sick prisoners on the recommendation of the Prison Medical officer. Prisoners with non-vegetarian food habit are supplied with chicken once in a week and prisoners with vegetarian food habits are supplied with potato curry, kesari and one banana once a week. Stainless steel plates and mugs are provided to prisoners for their personal use. Stainless Steel cooking vessels and Trolleys are used in prisons to ensure better health and hygienic conditions. Food from out side is not permitted.

Recreation :

Prisoners are provided with recreational facilities like Radio, TV, meditation and yoga, playing volley ball, kabaddi and badminton, tennicoit, music. The cultural committee functioning in Prison also arranges entertainment programmes.

Rehabilitation :

Recreation (Chennai)

Rehabilitation of Discharged prisoners is done through Financial Assistance by the Government in the form of tools and plants, machinery, poultry, livestock etc.

Treatment of Women Prisoners :

There are three full-fledged women Prisons in this state viz. Puzhal, Vellore and Trichy which are exclusively administered by women staff. Woman Prisoners are provided with all facilities and amenities that are available to male prisoners. They are also given training in vocational trades. Prisoners children are admitted with their mothers up to the age of 6. A nursery & crèche is functioning in Special Prison for Woman, Vellore & Puzhal with Ayahs to look after the children of the women prisoners. A crèche has been started at Special Prison for Women, Trichy by Non-Governmental Organization.

Attendance in Court :

Recreation (Chennai)

The Superintendents of Prisons are responsible for the production of prisoners before the courts in time. All remand and under trial prisoners shall be produced before the courts on the scheduled date of hearing through the Police escort. All female prisoners must be accompanied by female escort.

Release :

Types of Leaves and its grounds for release:

Emergency leave is granted to prisoners to attend the emergencies like serious illness, death and marriage of their blood relatives after proper verification and sometimes with Police escort for security reasons.

Ordinary leave is granted for purpose like settlement of property, admission of children in Schools and Colleges, repairing of home, arrangement of marriage of son, daughter, full brother and full sister, agricultural harvesting and other extra-ordinary reasons after proper verification.

Eligibility for ordinary leave :

  1. Conduct should be satisfactory in Prison
  2. Should be a lifer
  3. Should have completed 5 years of sentence
  4. No case should be pending against him.
  5. Should not be a habitual
  6. Should not have committed prison offences like assault, out break, riot, mutiny, escape, strike etc.
  7. Should be of sound mind

Granting of Leave :

Emergency leave Superintendent of Prisons up to 15 days in four spell of 6+3+3+3
Ordinary leave i) Range Deputy Inspector General of Prisons- not exceeding one month
ii) Government - Exceeding one month according to the genuine needs.

Applying for Leave :

The emergency leave is to be applied to the Superintendent with Medical Certificate and marriage invitation as the case may be. Ordinary leave may be applied to the Government/Range Deputy Inspector General of Prisons directly or through Superintendent stating the reasons.

Bail Release :

The prisoners will be released on bail on all days including Prison holidays by appropriate court orders which are sent to the Prison through Court messengers. The bail orders received up to 17.00 hours daily are honoured and the prisoners released on bail on the same day and those received after 17.00 hours are executed in the next day morning.

Release on Remission Rules :

All Prisoners sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for more than 90 days is awarded remission. The remission system in Prison helps the prisoner to get himself released earlier than the normal date of release by earning the remission for good conduct, labour, blood donation, sterilization etc. as per the scale laid down in the Prison rules. Besides, special remission is granted for the reasons such as increased out turn of work, economy in wearing clothes, assisting the administration, acquiring academic qualification etc. by the Superintendent and Additional Director General. The special amnesty remission is granted by Government on special occasions.

Release on Expiry of Sentence:

All Prisoners sentenced below 90 days is not eligible for remission and they will be released on expiry of sentence.

Director General of Police/ Director General of Prisons and Correctional Services
Tamil Nadu Prisons and Correctional Services Department
Whannels Road, Egmore
Chennai-600 008.

Phone: 91-44-28521512 ,
Fax: 91-44-28585942
E-Mail: tnprison@gmail.com

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Prison Department , Government of Tamil Nadu
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This Page last updated on: April 8, 2014
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